[OSGeo-qc] Knight Foundation Expands Neighborhood News Project | OpenPlans

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mar 29 Juin 10:27:04 EDT 2010

Bonjour liste,

J'avais entendu parler du projet EveryBlock il y a quelques mois et 
voilà maintenant que la possibilité de voir des nouvelles 
"hyper-locales" sur une carte prend un nouvel envol : 

À l'époque, EveryBlock se targuait d'avoir une plate-forme de 
cartographie web entièrement "open source".  En furetant, j'ai retrouvé 
la page en question : 
http://www.alistapart.com/articles/takecontrolofyourmaps.  En guise 
d'amuse-gueule : "

We live in the era of Google Maps. What started off as an impressive 
refresh of Mapquest-style maps now fuels web mashups. With APIs official 
and unofficial, Google Maps is simple enough for front-end designers to 
embed and for back-end programmers to target. Along the way to becoming 
nearly ubiquitous, it has played a major role in the "democratization of 
mapping <http://www.nytimes.com/2005/12/11/magazine/11ideas1-13.html>." 
For the practical developer who wants to add geospatial information to a 
site or application, the Google Maps API has been an easy call.

But, perhaps no longer.  "

À lire,

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