[Ráfaga]Nº843: violence, refugees, stack, list

Jorge Sanz jsanz at carto.com
Mon Apr 9 01:49:08 PDT 2018

Nº843: violence, refugees, stack, list

Mon, 09 Apr 2018 by Raf

   - "Observatorio Voces" gathers data from the press, testimonials, and
   interviews to create a map of femicides in Nicaragua via @xurxosanz
   - A map of refugees and migrations made from UN data, with the full
   explanation on how to create it and with which tools via @ibesora

   - A good explanation of the FOSS4G tools stack being used by NYC
   Planning Labs

   - An extensive list of data, libraries, conferences, programming
   languages, GIS, raster, WMS and others, a bit outdated though
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