[Ráfaga]Nº938: serverless, benchmark, considerations, forest fires

Jorge Sanz jsanz at carto.com
Wed Sep 19 02:07:44 PDT 2018

Nº938: serverless, benchmark, considerations, forest fires

Tue, 11 Sep 2018 by Raf

   - Unattended tile generation, both raster and vector using an Open
   Source serverless architecture with Amazon Lambda

   - Open Source tool using Docker and Natural Earth Open Data to benchmark
   vector tiles generation
   - First of three episodes with several thoughts about visualizing,
   identifying, analyzing and processing geospatial information

   - Spatiotemporal analysis of the worst California forest fires, because
   of climate change and population increase, with R code to produce graphs
   and a map

Raf (62)
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