[Ráfaga]Nº1227: 30daymapchallenge, libraries, usa, location intellence

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Thu Dec 12 01:43:58 PST 2019

Nº1227: 30daymapchallenge, libraries, usa, location intellence

Thu, 12 Dec 2019 by Raf

* @dakvid did a great effort to collect most of the 30 day Map
Challenge submissions in a single gallery, searchable and filtrable


* t at themappyisthour podcast talks about spatial and cartography
librarians via @lluisanglada and @noraes


* "The 2100 Project: An Atlas for the Green New Deal" wants to set up
the key aspects to revolutionize the way we produce and transform how
and where do we live


* How @Jeff_App startup map department works to expand their business
and improve their franchise effectivity



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