[Ráfaga]Nº1130: ascii, raster, drones, tides

jsanz at cartodb.com jsanz at cartodb.com
Tue Jul 9 06:28:12 PDT 2019

N°1130: ascii, raster, drones, tides

by Raf

Run "telnet mapscii.me" and you will have access to 8 bit ASCII maps on your console 

ThRasE is a Thematic Raster Editor plugin of Qgis, it uses a recode pixel table to modify several classes at the same time using pixels, lines or polygons tools 

The future of drones in Spain, with views to 2030 and 2050, and on which sectors their usage will be relevant. 

Using 30 years of Landsat data to map the land between tides in Australia on a 3D model 

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