[Ráfaga]Nº1059: electricity, partisan, last mile, women, lidar, lidar

jsanz at cartodb.com jsanz at cartodb.com
Fri Mar 22 02:52:11 PDT 2019

N°1059: electricity, partisan, last mile, women, lidar, lidar

by Raf

Animated map of the last 17 years of electric power generation in the USA, moving from coal to gas, wind and solar 

The geography of partisan prejudice shows the USA counties by political prejudice 

A study of the impact of the last mile logistics in Barcelona, proposing a new model to reduce urban congestion 

A project to archive and highlight the contribution of women to the Cartography world 

The RIEGL miniVUX-1UAV is an extremely lightweight airborne laser scanner, designed for integration with UAS/UAV/RPAS 

USGS point clouds in a single page with direct access through Entwine to render them using Potree or Plasio 

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