[Ráfaga]Nº1097: land use, goldfield, inverted, converter

jsanz at cartodb.com jsanz at cartodb.com
Mon May 20 04:46:08 PDT 2019

N°1097: land use, goldfield, inverted, converter

by Raf

Spatio-Temporal Deep Learning, an application to Land Cover Classification, poster by @DPeressutti and @LubejMatic 

The chaotic old map of Goldfield, a city that appeared with the gold fever, and that has 268 inhabitants nowadays compared with the 20K it was when it was Nevada's most significant town 

Inverted relief map, swapping land and oceans, updated without place names and that is available for sale to hang on your wall 

SLYR is a converter from ArcGIS MXD/LYR format into QGIS styles; it will be Open Sourced when they get enough sponsors 

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