[Ráfaga] Nº1551: services, historical, forests, deforestation

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 01:50:06 PDT 2021

Nº1551: services, historical, forests, deforestation

Mon, 12 Apr 2021 by Raf

* A map spotted in the wild in Redwood City, CA, helping people find
the county services & buildings they need.


* RHEFOREST_81 "Recherches Historiques sur les Espaces Forestiers du
Tarn" is a research project on the role of archaeological conservation
of forests and their place in the ancient rural economy [FR]


* Visualization of the RECAMAN project results and the economic and
physical indicators on the forest map of Spain, in interactive format
and tabulated. This project gives forests its value


* The Python forestatrisk package can be used to spatially model
tropical deforestation, predict spatial risk of deforestation, and
predict future forest cover in the tropics.



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