[Ráfaga] Nº1555: walking, power, circumnavigation

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Fri Apr 16 00:18:24 PDT 2021

Nº1555: walking, power, circumnavigation

Fri, 16 Apr 2021 by Raf

* The 5-minute walk is considered the distance that people are willing
to walk before choosing to drive. It is represented by a radius
measuring about 400 meters.


* Nuclear power still accounts for 10% of total energy produced in the
world, and despite declining in Europe and North America many new
reactors are being built in Asia


* A virtual exhibition to discover the details of the world's first
circumnavigation, the voyage of Magellan and Elcano, organized by the
Madrid Nautical Museum



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