[Ráfaga] Nº1563: public roads, global warming, women, toolbox

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 02:49:18 PDT 2021

Nº1563: public roads, global warming, women, toolbox

Thu, 29 Apr 2021 by Raf

* The citizen platform "A Desalambrar" formed by hikers, cyclists and
environmentalists in 2001 defends livestock roads, public roads, canals,
water sources and traditional roads that have been hijacked for private use


* Changes in plant composition and, in particular, shrub expansion through
the Arctic tundra are some of the most important and widely observed
responses of high-latitude ecosystems to rapid global warming.


* "The world with the eyes of a woman" is a scrollymap with a collection of
travel stories written by adventurers, scientists and explorers who are
part of the Isidre Carné collection of travel literature from the ICGC
library, thanks @noraes [CA]


* WhiteboxTools is an advanced open source geospatial data analysis
platform developed by the Geomorphometry and Hydrogeomatics Research Group
at the University of Guelph and already has 445 tools for processing
different types of geodata



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