[Ráfaga] Nº1588: barcelona, d3js, employment

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 03:15:19 PDT 2021

Nº1588: barcelona, d3js, employment

Thu, 03 Jun 2021 by Raf

* "Energy as a right" is a proposal to rethink the energy system of
the city of Barcelona, aiming to create an energy ecosystem that is
more sustainable, fair, democratic, and efficient


* A practical use case on how to draw a map of Spain with D3js; from
how to locate and download the data to defining the bounding box and
relocating a few elements via @rveciana


* UnemploymentPulse takes Bureau of Labor and Statistics data to
visualize 14 months of USA states and counties employment using trend
charts and maps



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