[Ráfaga] #1955: superdiversity, jokes, agriculture

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Thu Dec 1 01:07:37 PST 2022

#1955: superdiversity, jokes, agriculture

Thu, 01 Dec 2022 by Raf

* A new set of visualization tools and maps focused on
"superdiversity" (assigned categories of racial difference and
national origin) shows the complexity and intersectionality of New
York City


* The world geography of jokes represents in cartographic form the
distribution and spatial projection of jokes between countries, which
are social constructions, have a temporality and are essentially
divided into two categories [FR]


* Map of the historical origins of major agricultural crops before
they were domesticated around the world now that our food system is
global and production is done elsewhere far from original territories



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