[Ráfaga] Nº1737: taiwan, mediterranean, rivers, planet

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Tue Jan 11 23:46:46 PST 2022

Nº1737: taiwan, mediterranean, rivers, planet

Wed, 12 Jan 2022 by Raf

* "China's Taiwan Temptation" (paywall) is a geopolitical article
resumed in a map that follows the tradition of 19th-century satirical


* The cartographer Sabine Réthoré (@sabinerethore) has published an
unusually oriented Mediterranean region map with relief, place names,
and roads, and it is available online


* Grod V1.1 is a curated global CSV database with 30549 human-made
river obstructions


* Planet Science Applications 2021 is an annual PDF report with some
of the geospatial community's most exciting research projects made
with Planet's datasets



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