[Ráfaga] #1900: tippecanoe, real time, heritage

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Thu Sep 15 00:00:11 PDT 2022

#1900: tippecanoe, real time, heritage

Thu, 15 Sep 2022 by Raf

* Among the latest news presented by Felt is a notable one: they will
keep the Tippecanoe project, to create vector tiles, with its author
Erica Fischer at the head, thanks @ibesora


* A dynamic and very intuitive geoportal that positions mobile or
fixed elements on a map in real time, presenting identifying data for
each located element and offering a global view of its trajectory,
location or activity


* "Silent Erasure" is a satellite investigation of the destruction of
Armenian cultural heritage in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan, showing the
complete destruction of 108 medieval and modern Armenian monasteries,
churches and cemeteries between 1997 and 2011



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