[Ráfaga] #1907: wind, water, learning

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Mon Sep 26 02:00:14 PDT 2022

#1907: wind, water, learning

Mon, 26 Sep 2022 by Raf

* In some parts of Europe the wind speeds observed last year are the
lowest recorded in the last 40 years, with negative consequences for
energy supply and the wind industry, and they keep slowing down [FR]


* In the 1990s, Bangalore, India's answer to Silicon Valley,
experienced an accelerated growth with little planning and the
resulting rapid urbanization has negatively impacted the city's
ability to absorb and divert water


* Machine learning is used in GIS for prediction, classification and
clustering of massive data, and both AI and ML are still growing
fields with new environments constantly developing



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