[Ráfaga] #1990: ue, transport, processing

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 01:24:54 PST 2023

#1990: ue, transport, processing

Fri, 27 Jan 2023 by Raf

* The European Union is a mosaic of very different labor regions in a
territory where talent and innovation are concentrated in 48 cities
that represent 20% of the population [ES]


* A huge repository of detailed maps of public transport lines of
cities all over, especially France, some even with details of
facilities and equipment not visible to passengers [FR]


* Geoprocessing environment for geographic and Earth observation (EO)
data to obtain, translate and manipulate geospatial data (raster,
vector, EO/STAC) using chained and API-accessible processes



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