[Ráfaga] #2272: self-hosted, olympic, carbon neutral

Rafagas team xurxosanz at gmail.com
Wed May 1 23:36:21 PDT 2024

#2272: self-hosted, olympic, carbon neutral

Thu, 02 May 2024 by Raf

* A guide with links and products, and an open source example, to
making self-hosted maps that work everywhere and cost next to nothing
designed for self-publishing


* View of all zones during the Olympic and Paralympic Games (between
15 July and 9 September 2024) in Paris and the restrictions it will
place on normal daily life [FR]


* A map of routes that tells the fictional story of "Percorsi verdi",
the result of thinking about what the Garbatella neighborhood in the
city of Rome would be like once it is carbon neutral


Translated by Isaac, Jaume, Jorge, and Wladimir

web: https://geoinquiets.github.io/rafagas/2024/05-02.html
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