[Ráfaga] #2276: irrigation, climate, timeline

Rafagas team xurxosanz at gmail.com
Wed May 8 01:30:51 PDT 2024

#2276: irrigation, climate, timeline

Wed, 08 May 2024 by Raf

* Satellite information could pave the way for measuring the amount of
water we use for irrigation, leading to better management of an
increasingly scarce resource.


* Explore data from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) ERA5 project to visualize monthly temperature
anomalies on a country-by-country basis


* Master 2 SIGAT students have developed a QGIS connector to visualize
your personal location data Google collects [FR]


Translated by Isaac, Jaume, Jorge, and Wladimir

web: https://geoinquiets.github.io/rafagas/2024/05-08.html
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