[Ráfaga] #2790: pollution, services, tourist

Rafagas team xurxosanz at gmail.com
Mon May 27 23:47:27 PDT 2024

#2790: pollution, services, tourist

Tue, 28 May 2024 by Raf

* Northern England's rivers are bearing the brunt of the sewage
pollution crisis, with the region's waters experiencing the highest
rates of waste discharge in the country


* Characterization of the heads of municipalities in Spain according
to the distance to the road network, hospitals and other
municipalities to assess accessibility to public services [ES]


* Maps of the main towns, brochures with thematic routes and the
tourist guide of the region of La Serena, province of Badajoz,
Extremadura, all downloadable in PDF [ES]


Translated by Isaac, Jaume, Jorge, and Wladimir

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