[RouterGeocoder] Public Address GeoCoder Project (PAGC)
Dave McIlhagga
dmcilhagga at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Nov 20 12:27:49 EST 2008
Hi Dave,
That's an interesting overview -- and one of the projects I hadn't
heard about until this discussion started moving.
The one comment I have is that with an LGPL license, it may limit
adoption by organizations who are interested in adding proprietary
extensions to the library -- potentially limiting the audience that
would be involved.
Other than that - it looks interesting on the surface.
Dave McIlhagga
On 20-Nov-08, at 11:42 AM, Sampson, David wrote:
> Hey folks,
> Glad to see that there is enough interest in going this route these
> days…
> The PAGC projoect has been around for a few years, and has an SVN
> repo on Sourceforge.
> Take a look and concider a few things.
> * The latest version contains a C library
> * We already have an OGC geocoding service
> * Out of the box it is ready for TIGER data and Canadian Stats can
> data
> * text Files control the lexicon of naming conventions.
> * text Files control the fomrat of tabular data and its
> interpritation…
> Before reinventing the wheel perhaps there ar esynergies, especialy
> in maintaining the library, adding internationalization and addition
> format support.
> We also have a mailing list.
> Here is the project page http://www.pagcgeo.org/
> Please go to Sourceforge for the latest download…
> Cheers
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