[RouterGeocoder] Re: The Next task of opengraphrouter

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Sat Aug 22 21:39:41 EDT 2009


Yes, I think these are all good things to work on. I would like to put a 
few other that I think should come first.

0. make sure you and your environment can work with SVN and the we agree 
on the SVN development tree. We need to insure that we can both work in 
off the same tree. We also need to work with branches, a stable trunk 
and release tags. Also the build environment needs to work for both 
Windows and Linux environments. I can help with this, as can Frank if 

1. I would like to have a discussion on what commandline utilities we 
need and what their arguments are. We currently have two tools rolled 
into one:
   a) graph builder
   b) FCGI server
I think we also need:
   c) commandline read graph and compute route for running in the debugger
   d) commandline dumpGraph utility
      i. dump stats about graph
      ii. dump nodes and/or edges as text
      iii. dump nodes and/or edges as shapefile(s) with additional stats 
      iv. update postgis data source with additional stats columns

2. Add support for reading multiple shapefiles for a single graph

3. We might want to write up a simple coding standards document that 
outline what our coding standards are. This can be simple to start with, 
but it should probably cover things like:

   a) variable names, camelCase, '_'s etc.
   b) indentation style and spaces vs tabs
   c) block indentation style
   d) etc.

We seem to have a mix of things at the moment and it would be nice if 
things were more consistent.

4. look at adding postgis as a datasource (covered in your item 4 below)

Adding postgis support can probably wait, but there might be some 
significant advantages to adding the support now, and that would be 
better data source abstraction, before we get too much code dependent on 
the current structure. I think this can probably stay where you have it 

What do you think?

Best regards,

Ashraf Hossain wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> I think the following issues we can work for.
> 0. Implementation of direction.
> 1. MMAP implementation.
> 2. Improving the Driving direction.
> 3. Making a library for using in existing projects like GDAL/OGR.
> 4. Multiple data source support
> 5. Improving the performance of generating the shortest path.
> 6. Implementing the Bi-directional search.
> 7. Multiple layer support,Transit.
> 8. Turn restrictions.
> 9. Avoiding feature type of polyline layer(Avoiding Highway).
> regards
> Roni

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