[RouterGeocoder] Re: [pgrouting-users] [SoC] Google SoC participation

Ashraf Hossain ashraf10bd at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 01:23:27 EDT 2009

Hi Steve,
I must want to work with Nestor if I  have the opportunity.
I have also a research group with one of my close friend.
We both are interested and we will be honoured if we can contribute.

We already started our study about the performance for huge number of vertices.
I think soon we can send some updates in this group, though we do not
have huge big layer like USA and CANADA.
If you have some suggestion about this please let me know.
And another issue I have to know that if any operator updated their
graph with USA and CANADA but if he want to add mexico(as a different
layer) what should be our plan.
Because if we make it as different graph then we have to start our
plan in different way.
If anyone have some suggestions please let me know.

With Regards

2009/3/30 Daniel Kastl <orkney at gmx.de>:
> Hi Nestor,
> I'm glad to see that you're interested in some routing project.
> As Anton mentioned, such a tool already exists, but there is room for a
> couple of improvements.
> For example:
> Import large OSM XML files
> Make sure that the right attributes are imported. For example enable users
> to select which attributes to import.
> How can care about OSM data updates?
> Currently it's command line tool and only has been compiled under Linux.
> There are many windows users out there, who are happy about windows binaries
> and/or GUI.
> I like OSM data from the "open source" point of view, but being able to have
> such a import tool for other data such as Navteq or Teleatlas would be a
> nice project as well. I think Steve agrees here.
> 3) That as part of your project we define an open abstract schema that
> can support all the data needed for routing. And we then import OSM to
> this schema and we write specific loaders from our schema to pgRouting
> and any other routes that we develop like the work Ashraf is planning. I
> think this could be done initially in postgres/postgis but there might
> be other formats we should consider.
> I agree here, Steve. I think having import tools for several data sources
> makes it easier to get started with an open source router. It's and
> important part even if some might say that you can do it by hand, too.
> My experience with schemes is that they often just don't work well outside
> North America. They might still work in Europe, but here in Japan I'm always
> having troubles with schemes such as OpenLS for example.
> For SoC I would not start with an abstract schema of an "open router", which
> isn't available yet. I think for students it's better to start with
> something that already exists. I think that pgRouting is a good place to
> learn for students as well as for the people interested in a new code base.
> It shouldn't be too difficult to port then an import tool to the new router.
> Questions to the list:
> What is anything has been done regarding OSM and pgRouting imports?
> http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/wiki/tools/osm2pgrouting
> The timing of this contribution was perfect for the FOSS4G2008 workshop. It
> worked well for that workshop and I think it increased the number of people
> using pgRouting. But it's far away from being stable.
> Daniel
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