[SAC] Re: [OSGeo-Discuss] New DVD ISO image with GeoFOSS

John Graham johng at telascience.org
Tue Oct 24 20:02:05 EDT 2006


I put a copy  of everything at SDSC 
This has 18 TB of space for data like this !


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Jeroen Ticheler wrote:
>> Thanks!
>> I was actually thinking of putting it on an FTP or so and modifying 
>> it slightly so it would be easy for package owners to update their 
>> packages. That would make an easy online catalog and printing a DVD 
>> would also be straight forward. I have tried to keep a clear 
>> directory structure and Lorenzo Becchi assisted with the web part. 
>> Could be hosted at OSGEO for instance?
> Jeroen,
> I have taken the liberty of mirroring the iso under:
>  http://ldap.telascience.org/foss4g/
> Is there a link I can provide back to a page describing the DVD?
> I can't promise to keep the mirror indefinately since it has brought the
> disk on this machine to nearly full.  If we need space, I may have to 
> delete
> it again.
> Best regards,

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