[SAC] Fw: Re: [Geodata] "Public Geodata" SVN for "Custom Scenery"
Howard Butler
hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 00:58:38 EDT 2007
Jo and Martin,
I will be on vacation starting Tuesday afternoon until Sunday. If
you decide on the name, I should be able to get to creating things
tomorrow. Otherwise, maybe Frank or Martin ;) can create the
repository and Trac instance. There should be fairly complete
documentation of the process on the wiki. A geodata svn ldap group
will also need to be added, and once one or two people are manually
added to the group, they can add the rest. I think you pointed out
geodata had an svn instance as part of CN, so there is some precedent
On the other hand, we (or maybe just I) have also been trying to cut
down on the proliferation of svn/trac instances, as each one has a
fixed maintenance/configuration/backup/check-that-it-works-when-you-
change-things cost. Geodata could create a directory using your
OSGeo IDs in http://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo right now, without any
special repository creation. Another option to consider. Add a
geodata component to the Trac instance, and it is pretty painless.
Downside is anyone with an OSGeo ID can *commit* to the repository.
It hasn't been a problem yet, but there are those who hate this setup ;)
BTW, I did some research into selective svn permissions in the style
Gary had suggested, and it seems there isn't any out-of-the-box
support for setting these preferences with the users coming from
LDAP. Someone posted on a list that they had a solution, but never
supplied the patch.
On Aug 19, 2007, at 11:36 AM, Jo Walsh wrote:
> dear Martin, all,
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2007 at 10:27:20AM +0000, Martin Spott wrote:
>> http://www.custom-scenery.org/
>> http://mapserver.flightgear.org/
>> Currently the Custom Scenery project is looking for a public place
>> (an
>> SVN repository for example) to host its source code.
> Right, as discussed on IRC, this seems like a great opportunity to
> join up with others sharing goals, a project already close to home.
> And it seems Hobu is already happy in principle to set up an instance
> of subversion for this.
> The only issue seems to be one of namespace, would Ralf et al be happy
> for their code to be stored underneath a generic 'geodata' repository.
> If you are happy to liase between customscenery and hobu as is
> necessary, that would be great.
>> As I see the main
>> development goal of "Custom Scenery" to be in line with the aims of
>> OSGeo's "Public Geodata", I would like to ask for supporting the idea
>> of assigning a status similar to a Public Geodata "Working Group" to
>> Custom Scenery and to host this projects source code inside the
>> Public
> A status probably isn't necessary, and working groups seem to be
> something made up on the wiki that don't really exist. ;)
> cheers,
> jo
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