[SAC] VOIP collaboration / archiving service
John Graham
johng at telascience.org
Wed Feb 7 14:39:31 EST 2007
I love this idea !
Should be getting some new hardware very soon ...
Will load up everything then !
Jo Walsh wrote:
> dear SAC,
> I've been doing a spot of gonzo software redesign work with blabla, a
> voice collaboration service. http://blabla.bountysource.com/ contains
> the current svn which is a bit of a mess, it works but its main
> problem is a lot of German is hardcoded in and there isn't a language
> model in the backend, so we are fixing that amongst other things.
> It is basically a frontend to YATE ( http://yate.null.ro/ ) that
> allows you to construct chatrooms like in a MUD that correspond to
> topics or physical spaces. Speech events are archived and each
> available at a URL and you can filter what you listen to according
> to status in interesting ways.
> i think it could be really useful to OSGeo as a replacement for the
> conference call service which we are blagging off of ADSK and which is
> fine for now but it galls me that nothing gets archived from voice
> confs. People often transcribe notes simultaneously into irc so you
> would get very cheap reasonably accurate free text search.
> It would be a good environment for a voice-based version of mpg's
> ideas for a meeting bot - http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/MeetingBot
> and also could be interesting to explore the idea of asynchronous
> voice conversations more like irc ones - where messages stack up for
> you to listen to and you can leave messages attached to a room or
> topic that others can connect to.
> Well, this is starting to get a bit moon-on-a-sticky and just
> something which provided a free, logging, self-maintainable voice
> conference service would be a good start. it's not a very short term
> proposition as the code needs a significant rewrite, 2/3 thrown away
> and the rest sandblasted, before it would be really useful for osgeo.
> the internet is a write-only medium for me right now[0], and i'm not in
> checking-out-digest mode, but i just wanted to shoot this off at you
> lot with an eye to gauging interest.
> cheers,
> jo
> [0] http://frot.org/devlog/2007/02/07/screen-strain/
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