[SAC] Meeting Thursday Feb 22nd at 1900 UTC (reminder)

Howard Butler hobu at hobu.net
Thu Feb 22 09:28:47 EST 2007


I propose we have an IRC-only meeting on Thursday the 22nd at 1pm CST  
(1900 UTC).

SAC 2/22/07 Meeting Agenda

- Outstanding migration issues
   -- Removing wildcard dns for .org
   -- Obtaining a wildcard SSL cert for .org
   -- Virtual host migration and Webcom coordination
   -- LDAP user creation, attribute modification, and Drupal  
integration update
   -- offsite mirroring and backup
- Pre-incubation project and SAC's support (see IncCom minutes for  
details of the discussion)
- Possible SAC committee member additions
- A discussion about "emergency procedures" and a contact tree
   -- Who's got the keys to what?



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