[SAC] File management on osgeo.org

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Mon Jan 22 13:18:33 EST 2007

There is some confusion (myself included) about the 'best' way to add  
new files to the web site.

During the migration files were imported using a variety of methods -  
Kanhaiya can you describe how they were handled?

 From my perspective it looks like there were two approaches... one  
was to create an 'empty' node but to attach a file to it.  The other  
was to upload the file directly to the filesystem (e.g. via scp  
command) and put the file in an accessible location (/var/www/html/ 
files - for example).

I think we should consider using one of Drupal's several different  
file management modules that are available:
One of these was tried on the old community.osgeo.org site for  
managing conference document archive.

Does anyone have any better solutions for handling such things  
(WebDav??).  What do you think?


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