[SAC] Buildbot accommodations

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Thu Nov 22 14:42:08 EST 2007

Howard Butler wrote:
> All,
> Mateusz and I added support for post-commit hooks for the GDAL
> subversion repository to push its changes to GDAL's buildbot.  This
> means that as changes are made, new builds are generated.  The following
> items on osgeo1 were added:
> - Twisted Python to support the svn_buildbot.py hookscript
> - svn_buildbot.py was added to /var/www/svn/hookscripts
> - A new outbound firewall rule, /etc/sysconfig/iptables-custom/BUILDBOT
> to allow outbound connections on 1500
> - svn_buildbot.py was added as a post-commit hook to GDAL's repository
> in /var/www/svn/repos/gdal/hooks


Tim Sutton added similar configuration to QGIS buildbot.
We had to deal with similar problem about "Can't open format file: No
such file or directory" thrown by svnlook and here is the post-commit
hook entry that solves this issue (used for QGIS):

# Buildbot automatic build after commit

/usr/bin/python /opt/svn/repository/qgis/hooks/svn_buildbot.py \
  --repository "$REPOS" --revision "$REV" \
  --bbserver buildbot.osgeo.org --bbport XXXZ

XXXZ is port number of Buildbot slave, where Z is Buildbot instance
number (0 - gdal, 1 - fdo, 2 - proj.4, 3 - mapguide, 4 - mapserver, 5 -
qgis, etc.)

Mateusz Loskot

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