[SAC] Download maintainers group

Mateusz Loskot mateusz at loskot.net
Mon Oct 22 10:57:41 EDT 2007

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Daniel Morissette wrote:
>> Mateusz Loskot wrote:
>>> I think it would be reasonable to create dedicated group of users who
>>> have access to maintain /osgeo/download content. Currently, it's a bit
>>> messed and some project members who want to maintain their downloads
>>> have to use sudo or ask someone who can do it or fix
>>> permissions for them. So, IMO it's reasonable to set things in order
>>> here.
>>> My suggestion is to create a group and assign one person from each OSGeo
>>> project to this group. Then /osgeo/download should be owned by root and
>>>  writable by the 'download' group. Read-only others.
>> Sounds like a good idea to me. Perhaps we could leave the flexibility
>> of having more than one person per project in the downloads group (to
>> act as backup if the main person is not available), but we should
>> definitely not open that up to too many people either.
> Folks,
> Why not create a group per project if we want to manage this with local
> (rather than ldap based) groups?
> I'm not sure why we didn't do this sooner, other than we had a hope of
> a more LDAP based approach.

Frank, Daniel,

I agree with keeping number of users limited or well controlled,
so I like the idea about group per project.

Mateusz Loskot

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