[SAC] 2009 Budget / A New Server?

Mateusz Łoskot mateusz at loskot.net
Fri Oct 10 09:25:55 EDT 2008

Ari Jolma pisze:
> Mateusz Łoskot kirjoitti:
>>> I'd also like some review of what would happen if the buildbot master
>>> died suddenly.  That is, are things being backed up in any fashion?
>>> How long would it take to reconstitute the services?
>> I do backups of config files of all BB instances we have
>> and all executable scripts we use to maintain BB (start, stop, clean 
>> logs). I put all backups and important stuff under /osgeo/buildbot/admin
>> Generally, the procedure is:
>> 1. Install Buildbot engine
>> 2. Unpack backup package with config stuff
>> 3. Tweak if needed (some paths and parameters etc.)
>> 4. Run
> Mateusz,
> Is the OSGeo BB this one: http://buildbot.net/trac?


Yes, this is the engine we use.

> Could you send me a copy of the gdal config file, or better if I can 
> grab it from someplace?

I think that best is to grab current version from Buildbot machine directly:

Connect to xblade14-2
Go to /osgeo/buildbot
Go to subdirectory ./gdal/buildmaster
Grab file ./master.cfg
Grab directory ./config

The master.cfg is the main Buildbot config file.
According to the manual, Buildbot uses single monolithic configuration 
file (master.cfg) where you put settings for master machine and all slaves.

For easier maintenance, I redesigned it into pluggable config files:
1. master.cfg stores common config and is responsible to find & load 
configuration for all slaves
2. "config" directory consists of _common.py + number of config files 
for slaves (each slave has its own config, ie. a_telascience.py is for 
all builders running on telascience server, etc.)
3. If you want to disable some slave, rename config file, so it does not 
end with ".py", ie. a_telascience.py-disabled
4. If you want to add new slave, create new file ie. h_ari.py inside 
config directory and fill with all your settings. The master.cfg will 
load it automagically.
5. As you see, slaves config files are named as X_name.py  where X is a 
letter. The X is used to sort slaves in the Waterfall table 
(http://buildbot.osgeo.org:8500/waterfall). If you rename 
a_telascience.py to ie. z_telascience.py then all builders on 
telascience slave will be loaded as last and displayed at the end of 
table (horizontally).

I hope it makes sense :-)

> What Linux distros are the osgeo blades using?

We host all masters on Fedora Core 4.
It also host some slaves (telacience). Other slaves are hosted on 
different OS'es - this is a distributed structure.

Best regards,
Mateusz Loskot, http://mateusz.loskot.net
Charter Member of OSGeo, http://osgeo.org

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