[SAC] TelaScience LDAP toasted

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Thu Mar 26 01:01:12 EDT 2009


It would seem something similar to what nuked the .219 hard drive is  
on its way to taking out the .220 hard drive.  Of course, the areas of  
the most trouble is the bdb files that contain our database (rather  
unbacked up too, I might sheepishly add) for the TelaScience LDAP.   
The bdb file(s) that contain the database are mostly intact, but some  
recovery is in order for us to get things working.  I wasn't able to  
get it to go tonight, but I can fiddle with it some more tomorrow night.

I think I choices are:

- Finish building out the OSGeo LDAP to support shell logins
- Forget LDAP for the TelaScience blades altogether and only do local  

What should we do?

Martin, do you have a status on what schema bits would need to be  
added to user's LDAP schema to support shell logins for select users?   
Did we already do it as part of the work we did this past winter?


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