[SAC] [support.osuosl.org #20049] OSGeo: adhoc VM down

Lance Albertson via RT support at osuosl.org
Wed Dec 28 19:51:03 EST 2011

On Wed Dec 28 20:34:08 2011, Martin.Spott at mgras.net wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 28, 2011 at 05:28:20PM +0000, Lance Albertson via RT wrote:
> > Looks like it is indeed hung up on fsck. I tried having it continue
> > but it rebooted and got stuck on the same fsck error. I'd recommend
> > we just give you console access to your VMs via our web manager. Can
> > you please register an account on http://ganeti.osuosl.org and let
> > me know when you do?
> Did anybody already do so ? Otherwise I'd register on behalf of SAC
> and see what I can do about the "adhoc" VM,

I added you to the OSGeo group. You should have access to the console,
and VM power control. You also have the ability of adding more OSGeo
admins to the group so they have access.

The console can be flakey sometimes depending on which browser you use.
I normally recommend Chrome although the latest version of Chrome has
some issues we need to fix up. Firefox should work well but might be

Let me know if you have any questions.

Lance Albertson
Systems Administrator / Architect
OSU Open Source Lab

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