[SAC] Nomination Alex Mandel for SAC Chair

Seven (aka Arnulf) seven at arnulf.us
Fri Sep 16 17:14:57 EDT 2011

On 09/16/2011 02:37 PM, Howard Butler wrote:
> All,
> After some smoky back room negotiations and other machinations, I
> would like to step down as SAC chair effective immediately, and
> nominate Alex Mandel for chairperson to be ratified by the board at
> the face to face meeting on Sunday.
> Thanks,
> Howard_______________________________________________ Sac mailing
> list Sac at lists.osgeo.org http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/sac

thanks for all your good work and having talked to you I know that you
will stay on the team and continue to support the OSGeo server

thanks for seconding this motion, having gotten us off the ground in the
first place and for still being on board.

+1 to elect Alex as chair of the OSGeo System Administration Committee

great to see you step up, congratulations. And this will be a great
announcement for our AGM!


Best regards,

Exploring Space, Time and Mind

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