[SAC] [support.osuosl.org #20049] OSGeo: adhoc VM down

Martin Spott Martin.Spott at mgras.net
Tue Jan 3 14:43:49 EST 2012

Hi, I'm running out of ideas - about how to get along with the web

This tool is somehow running a VNC viewer in a browser. I've tried the
most recent Firefox on FreeBSD - but I didn't get a VNC viewer to run
at all.

I've tried Firefox on Win2008 server and partially managed to interact
with the VM, but getting the VM into accepting my keystrokes was really
difficult.  I was unable to enter a "/" character into the GRUB boot
loader command line - and actually I spent most of the time for
fiddling with the VM (rebooting, re-connecting the VNC console and the
such) in order to get _any_ keystrokes pushed to the VM, with very
limited success.  In most of the sessions the VM simply stopped getting
keystrokes submitted.
Now I tried the distro-installed Firefox on Debian Squeeze and it
doesn't get a connect to the VNC server at all.  Whenever I click the
"Connect" button I'm getting a noVNC splash screen titled by a red bar
with "Connect timeout".

I wish we had a solid XEN server together with an SSH login to the Dom0
and xm/xe tools to manage the VM's ....  as long as we don't have a
working access to the VM's console there's little I can do about it.

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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