[SAC] Dedicated Backup System Quote

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Wed Aug 21 11:19:11 PDT 2013

Interesting, I am glad to see this happening.  (note that the OSGeo
Board approved $5k in this year's budget for a backup server)



On 2013-08-21 2:55 PM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> http://www.siliconmechanics.com/quotes/252860.pdf?confirmation=2068577495
> Under Raid 5 this would provide 9 TB of backup space.
> I tried to squeeze some more drives into the optical and front port
> slots but only SSDs fit in there so I dropped the idea since those are
> not long term reliable (I was going to use it for the OS).
> Feedback?
> Thanks,
> Alex

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