[SAC] [OSGeo] #384: Create password "reminder" email script for LDAP user

OSGeo trac_osgeo at osgeo.org
Sun Sep 22 06:07:58 PDT 2013

#384: Create password "reminder" email script for LDAP user
 Reporter:  tmitchell      |       Owner:  sac@…              
     Type:  enhancement    |      Status:  new                
 Priority:  normal         |   Milestone:                     
Component:  Systems Admin  |    Keywords:                     

Comment(by arnulf):

 What is the status here? If the statu quo is still fine for Frank we can
 close it.

 Who actually *can* reset an LDAP password? Is there a list of people who
 can be pinged?

Ticket URL: <http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/384#comment:5>
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