[SAC] QGIS documentation for 2.2 and QGIS VM update

Richard Duivenvoorde richard at duif.net
Tue May 20 23:58:13 PDT 2014

On 21-05-14 01:35, Alex Mandel wrote:

> I think I asked this before, how big would a new qgis3 vm need to be? My
> read of the above is your want at least 18 GB and would probably need
> closer to 40-50GB just for the future growth of the docs?
> I see no reason we can't make a new vm to serve the content but someone
> needs to specify the specs required. If it needs to be fast I can
> actually have OSUOSL attach more disk space to the current QGIS VM and
> we could then just remount it to the qgis3 vm when it's ready.
> Also has QGIS considered readthedocs.org for hosting the docs? It's
> something I put on the idea list, we could also in house use a similar
> system to theirs I think,

As number of translations are growing, as is documentation, I would
prefer a bigger disk.
Then we can put all debian, redhat, data stuff also there.

Plan then is to put all static content on it, do cron builds on other
machines, and have this one VM for serving it out (with or without
cloudflare-like backing ups).

So the disk can be whatever vanilla debian with fast internet connection.

So 100Gb? Is that ok?

Any idea about a timeline? Not sure if I can help with this myself, let
me know. Probably I need to create an issue for this?


Richard Duivenvoorde

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