[SAC] FOSS4G meet with OSUOSL update

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Sat Sep 13 10:37:55 PDT 2014

On 09/11/2014 11:10 AM, Alex Mandel wrote:
> Just some notes from when I had a change to sit down with Justin from
> 1. OSL can give Martin  (and others if we request) access to the host OS
> of osgeo3 and osgeo4 via their VPN. Which I think is the same way Martin
> setup osgeo5/backup.
> 2. OSL has spare cycles on an existing set of build machines if we want
> to give it a try. Builbot for sure, but I think Jenkins too.
> 3. Justin thinks there's enough space on other OSL hardware to shift
> osgeo4 vms for approximately 1 month so we can redo osgeo4. AKA switch
> to software raid 5, update the host OS, etc... We should schedule this
> in advance based on SAC availability to do required work.
> 4. OSL has a Xserve machine. We're going to try getting Larry (QGIS)
> access to try some QGIS/osgeo4mac build stuff. Long term we might still
> want to rack mac mini.
> 5. There is rack space, for new machines, just some complicated PDU
> balancing. Should be easier as OSL turns off some power hogs in the near
> future.
> I didn't get a chance to talk to Daniel who was also around the conf,
> but I've been told he's the person to really talk to about Docker usage
> and Mac build stuff.
> Summary we might be able to put off buying a machine for 6 months to a
> year. But I wouldn't want to hold off longer than that as our machines
> are nearing 4 years in age.
> More background:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Transition_Plan_2014
> Thanks,
> Alex

Some follow up details and ideas after talking with more SAC members at
the conference.

1. OSUOSL did point out that if we switch to software raid, it will be a
little more difficult to swap disks. I assume Martin S. knows what needs
to be done in order to tell the raid to drop a disk and be ready for the
new one. Question, does software raid allow hot swapping disks?

2. I forgot to talk with OSUOSL about upgrading/changing the OS on
osgeo4. Since we are redoing the disks I suspect this will need to
happen. I will email them.

Proposal Work Plan:

Step 1: Offload osgeo4

1. Hotcopy mail from osgeo3 to osgeo4. Minimal downtime.
2. Get new VM or docker, or docker in a vm (Debian 7) on OSUOSL ganeti
cluster. Invite projects to migrate their stuff from projects over to
the new spot.
3. Do something similar to adhoc
4. Do something similar to qgis (I'll coordinate with them)

Step 2: Redo osgeo4
Software Raid 5
New Debian or Centos
Docker or Ganeti

Step 3: Move stuff back to our hardware

Step 4: Buy new hardware (sometime in the next year)
Invite projects to a new sac-announce list which sends out notices about
upcoming events. Announce a survey of project needs, and create a web
page that clearly states who and how to request services.

Setup a cloudflare account, free tier, possibly one account per domain.
This should cut out some nefarious traffic.

Talk more with board about a proposal to get bid requests on a part time
system support for osgeo.
- 24 hour response team
- When not doing emergency response, work on a SAC list of management tasks
- OSGeo SAC members would be allowed to bid but not be allowed to vote
if they bid.
- would be for ~6-12 month terms before need to rebid.

I'll try to get his all cleaned up an into the wiki next week.


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