[SAC] [support.osuosl.org #24234] OSGeo4 VM revamp Plan

Alex Mandel tech at wildintellect.com
Fri Sep 19 16:06:12 PDT 2014

On 09/19/2014 03:39 PM, Justin Dugger via RT wrote:
> Replies inline
> On Fri Sep 19 14:27:56 2014, tech at wildintellect.com wrote:
>> Justin & Team,
>> Based on our discussions at FOSS4G. Here's the plan to do some shuffling
>> and updates on the OSGeo hardware.
>> Overview - move VMs off osgeo4 and redo the OS and Raid (Software Raid 5)
>> Step 1.
>> Make sure Martin Spott knows how to use his new access of osgeo3 and
>> osgeo4 OS.
> We can do that; perhaps we'll make a child ticket with Spott regarding this.
>> Step 2.
>> Change the mail.osgeo.osuosl.org VM to drbd
>> Sync it over to osgeo3, failover to osgeo
>> Change back to non-drbd
> It may take a while to gnt-instance modify -t drbd though.

gnt-instance modify -t drbd --no-wait-for-sync
So you can get it started and boot it back up.

>> Step 3.
>> Schedule downtime (Mid-october) to turn off and copy Adhoc, Projects and
>> possibly QGIS to OSUOSL Ganeti cluster for a few days.
>> We might want a fresh Debian 7 VM for a QGIS rebuild - still checking
> This should be fine on a temporary basis while you rebuild your ganeti node in your prefered configuration.
>> Step 4.
>> Upgrade/Redo the osgeo4 OS. OSUOSL has a new standard right? We're fine
>> with that as long as Martin gets access to troubleshoot.
> We're standardizing on CentOS; your current VMs run Gentoo and it's likely your team would fare better after the switch. I doubt we'll be ready to manage ganeti nodes with Chef by then, so it's likely to remain cfengine managed.
>> Step 5.
>> Benchmark to make sure the disks are performing ok.
> Bonnie++ is the standard OSS tool for this. I find Berku's Performance Whack-A-Mole tutorial[1] covers the topic well. Though it is pgsql oriented, the discussion about the lower layers remains relevant.
> Is the benchmarking step something you were wanting OSL to perform? I suspect your team knows the hardware and applications better than us.

Either, just want to make sure the disks are performing ok.

>> Step 6. Move Mail, QGIS, Adhoc and Projects back.
>> Long term, we will continue to investigate new hardware, docker, and are
>> open to suggestions on how to upgrade osgeo3 host OS with minimal
>> interruption.
>> Please get back to us with a schedule for who and when we might do each
>> of these steps.
> I'll get you that plan next week.
> Justin
> [1]: http://media.postgresql.org/pgcon2009/tutorials/performance.mov

Alex Mandel

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