[SAC] Requesting access to LDAP

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Wed Apr 6 08:47:21 PDT 2016

On Wed, Apr 06, 2016 at 07:08:56AM -0700, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Sandro,
> It looks like this is controlled by iptables and that they are
> configured in /etc/init.d/ipfilter on ldap.osgeo.org.  Some related
> lines look like:
> ${IPTABLES} -I INPUT -p tcp -s --dport 636 -j ACCEPT
> So I imagine we can add a new appropriate rule to this file and then
> perhaps reboot, or just directly apply the rule.  I'd be more
> comfortable if Martin or someone more knowledgable made the change,
> but if that doesn't happen I could likely do it too.

Thanks for looking into this Frank, I finally handled to make it
work via SSH tunnel. So the good new is YES, you can login into it
using your OSGeo credentials :)

How would you like an experimental instance on https://git.osgeo.org ?


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