[SAC] wiki captcha "acronym of organization" broken ?

Christian Willmes mail at cwillmes.de
Fri Apr 15 06:34:38 PDT 2016

If others, who edit the file regularly, like Martin or Markus, are ok 
with it, I would not mind.
But for me it is ok like it is now.

I like the Gogs service... though, I am used to GitLab we (our lab) use 
for our private repositories.
I think of moving the SMW models [1] to Gogs. Is this now "official" 
OSGeo supported infrastructure and will remain under this URL etc.?


[1] https://github.com/cwillmes/OSGeoWiki

Am 15.04.2016 um 15:13 schrieb Sandro Santilli:
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 03:01:38PM +0200, Christian Willmes wrote:
>> hmmm, having the configuration file including DB passwords etc. in a
>> git repository sounds not very appealing to me.
>> Is this usual practice?
> As long as you keep your repository private, why not ?
> Granted you might not trust the Gogs service in particular,
> but putting the configs within a local repository is no
> problem per-se.
> The Gogs service configuration (including admin password)
> is in a private, Gogs-served, repository:
>   https://git.osgeo.org/_gogs_/sac/gogs-config
> --strk;

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