[SAC] GitLab mirroring

Vincent Picavet (ml) vincent.ml at oslandia.com
Wed Aug 31 03:40:03 PDT 2016


On 31/08/2016 12:01, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> I was unable to find the "Repository Mirroring" section in the PostGIS
> project configuration on OSGeo GitLab instance. The section should be
> there according to
> http://docs.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/repository_mirroring.html#existing-projects

This is a EE-only feature, as you can see here :

> Björn, or anyone else: could you figur out how would that be done ?
> Ideally we'd have a project setup as a mirror of an SVN project
> and using the trac external ticket tracker.

Maybe this project may help :

Otherwise, there is probably a way to do this, either using git hooks or
with cron script using the gitlab/github API.


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