[SAC] System Administrator Committee Guidelines

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Dec 5 10:52:54 PST 2016

Dear SAC,

Following up on the recent discussion on the conference committee 
(motion to update their membership policies and process), and the issues 
raised by this motion, the board has held a video meeting to discuss the 
issue of committee guidelines.

As a result, the board is asking everyone to write down "committee 
guidelines" on how each functions.  The idea is to make sure our 
committees are transparent in their decision making, and open to 

There is a wiki page here 
https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Committee_Guidelines that provides more 
information (and helpfully provides guidance for committee chairs). 
There are some examples of different committees doing their thing here 

Best regards,

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
OSGeo Charter Member

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