[SAC] [MOTION] Grant me 50 hours of sysadmin work
Sandro Santilli
strk at kbt.io
Mon May 23 06:55:37 PDT 2016
During the meeting of this Friday it was proposed to grant a contract
for a fixed amount of hours to be spent on sysadmin work.
Looking at the numbers (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/SAC:Budget) there
should be enough money for buying 100 hours at 100 EUR / hr.
This motion is for approving spending half of those 100 hours on
buying my own time. With such a contract I could continue with
doing what I'm already doing but ensuring continuity for one month.
For a record of what I've been doing so far I think the archives
of this mailing list contain all the details, but it's roughly about
trac improvements, spam fighting, SAC procedures documentation
updates, git services and general tickets backlog activity.
I'm asking for 50 hours as I think Martin Spott might also be
interested in taking the other 50. If this is not the case,
I might be available for more after the first slot completes.
I hadn't found info about voting procedure for SAC, would the one
documented for Board decisions apply ?
I'm concerned about being able to reach the minimum of votes
as only a tiny fraction of the people listed on the active SAC
members page did show up at the meeting, namely:
- Alex Mandel (chair)
- Norman Vine
- Howard Buttler
- Martin Spott
- Sandro Santilli (myself)
The active members wiki page:
So, SAC members, please cast your votes.
I'll give my +0 (abstained for conflict of interest, support as I think
sysadmin work should be payed).
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