[SAC] GitLab deploy update (runner, and out-of-space)

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Thu Oct 20 09:41:22 PDT 2016

Today I've been adding continuous-integration support to
the experimental GitLab instance, and learning on the go.

I've added a shared runner (kind of a build slave)
that would execute builds inside a docker image
(used the same one used on gitlab.com by default, to simplify use)

Unfortunately, the machine (temporarely made available by Vincent Picavet)
is out of space, so the experiment cannot continue.

The machine currently runs:

 - GitLab (with just a PostGIS clone)
 - Mattermost
 - GitLab-Runner (with docker)

It has only ~10GB of space in total.

Are there people still interested in this "git hosting" project ?
Is it possible to get more hardware resources to continue the
experiment ?


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