[SAC] GitLab deploy update (runner, and out-of-space)

Björn Harrtell bjorn.harrtell at gmail.com
Thu Oct 20 12:37:41 PDT 2016

2016-10-20 21:24 GMT+02:00 Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>:

> On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 07:48:21PM +0200, Björn Harrtell wrote:
> > I'm still interested (not sure about community interest in general
> though)
> > but been reluctant to put more time into it because of GitLab only being
> > partially free with some needed features missing in the community
> edition,
> > most importantly repository mirroring.
> Yeah, that's what did set me off too, but as we add more projects to
> Gogs (I moved a couple postgis repos this week) I start being
> concerned about the stability of Gogs. Just looking a bit forward.
> Note that on the Gogs side I also spent some time drafting a trac2gogs
> commandline: https://notabug.org/strk/trac2gogs :)
> > No idea what MongoDB is used for, cannot find it related to GitLab or
> > Mattermost.
> People in #gitlab say they are pretty sure MongoDB isn't used by
> GitLab and recommend checking if it's not listening on public IP/ports
> (as it would let anyone w/out any authentication to fill up the
> databases). I've no experience with MongoDB to check this out.

Looks like the culprit is rocket.chat.

# mongo
> show dbs
local       0.078GB
rocketchat  0.078GB

So, actual data is pretty small but the journal needs tweaking to stop it
growing uncontrollably. First time with MongoDB here so this is as far as I
can go without going into depth.


> --strk;
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