[SAC] OSGeo UserID mantra

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 12:28:14 PDT 2018

Hi John,

I think this is a permission issue with the new site.
I hope a member of the SAC will help you with this (putting SAC in CC)


On 03/30/2018 02:24 AM, John Bryant wrote:
> Hi Angelos,
> We're about to launch our website for our regional FOSS4G conf, and I'm
> trying to work this out. I tried to sign up for a new OSGeo account for the
> LDAP as you suggested, I had to use a different email than I normally use
> since it wouldn't let me use the same email for 2 accounts.
> But I'm still unable to edit the page at https://www.osgeo.org/events/. I
> don't know if this is a permissions thing, or what. This is very
> confusing. Is there some documentation somewhere on what exactly I'm
> supposed to do, so I'm not bothering you?
> Thanks
> John

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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