[SAC] ssh config to connect to LXC containers

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Wed Jun 5 03:39:19 PDT 2019

I've spent some time figuring this out, so here it is,
for sharing, what I put in my .ssh/config file:

  Host osgeo-secure
    User root
    ProxyCommand ssh tech_dev at osgeo7.osgeo.osuosl.org -p 2222 -W %h:%p

With the above, I can use ssh based commands by just referencing
the "osgeo-secure" host, like:

  ssh osgeo-secure

Note that the above configuration is based on hard-coded IP
for the "secure" machine, this is not good I suppose, as we
might not have static IPs assigned to LXC containers.

Also, the above only works when sshd is running in the container
(it is the case for the "new-secure" container).

If you have suggestions to improve the configuration (maybe using
also a wildcard for "osgeo-vm-*") I'd love to read about it.

It would be useful to have such instructions in a SAC member handbook


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