[SAC] ssh config to connect to LXC containers

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Fri Jun 7 07:43:55 PDT 2019

On Wed, Jun 05, 2019 at 11:46:09AM -0400, Regina Obe wrote:
> Why aren't you going thru download (port 22)

I've just setup my way into download (although I don't fully like it),

> Download container can see new-secure fine since all the containers are on
> the same network.
> It's just the host that is on a different network, and I don't really think
> we want people going thru via the host.

This is not a matter of being or not on the same network, but rather
the ability to resolve a name. Not sure I agree about the policy of
not going thru the host but will accept it :)

The .ssh/config entry reduced to this:

  Host *.lxd
    User root
    ProxyCommand ssh download.osgeo.org -W %h:%p

I'd still like ot have an "osgeo-lxd-" prefix to the hostname to be
used by `ssh <hostnamehere>`, in case you have suggestions I'm happy
to hear them :)


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