[SAC] University of Zaragoza offering hardware

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 23:25:12 PDT 2019


The University of Zaragoza (UniZar) is offering hardware to mirror things
in OSGeo. They were thinking on the download server, but it could be
anything we need (like the videos from events?). Who should I tell them to
contact with to discuss OSGeo's needs? I am not sure if they would even be
willing to offer hosting for other things that are less "mirrorly", didn't
want to discuss that without really knowing if that would suit us and what
are our needs.

They are already maintaining one of the official OpenStreetMap tile
https://hardware.openstreetmap.org/servers/culebre.openstreetmap.org/ and
they are very happy to contribute to open source projects.

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